"Behold, children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him."
(Psalm 127:3)
Zion's Kid's Ministry provides Christ-centered teaching, curriculum, and programs taught from a biblical perspective. Sunday School teachers and Children's Ministry leaders will point children to Christ by leading them in studying God's Word, memorizing scripture, and praising God.
Vacation Bible School
We host a Vacation Bible School every summer. Here are some pictures from VBS over the years:
Kids are welcome to join everyone during worship, but we have a nursery available during the worship service. We have health safety protocols in place to keep your kids safe and healthy.
Sunday School
There are classes for Elementary School aged children in the Spring and Fall, while adults, high school, and middle school have Sunday School. Precautions are taken to provide a safe and healthy environment. Please contact us with any questions.
Various children's ministry events will be provided throughout the year. They can be found on the church calendar as they are scheduled.
For more information, please contact kids.ministry@zionprosper.com.